#Onedrive sync client setup how to
If you are using Debian/Ubuntu or one of its derivatives, you can run these commands to get OneDrive Client for Linux installed : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yann1ck/onedriveĭetailed installation steps, including instructions on how to build OneDrive Client for Linux from source can be found here. Pre-built packages are available for selected distros. Support for National cloud deployments (Microsoft Cloud for US Government, Microsoft Cloud Germany, Azure and Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China).Prevent major OneDrive accidental data deletion after configuration change.Dry-run capability to test configuration changes.SharePoint / Office365 Shared Libraries.Shared Folder support for OneDrive Personal and OneDrive Business accounts.Support OneDrive for Business (part of Office 365).
File upload / download validation to ensure data integrity.OneDrive Client for Linux supports both secure one-way and two-way syncing, resumable uploads, data validation and more. You can also run OneDrive Client for Linux inside a Docker container if you know how to do it. OneDrive Client for Linux runs on all major Linux distro you can think of, including Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Manjaro, SuSE, OpenSuSE, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat, Arch and Slackware. This feature makes it the perfect choice for enterprise users.
Developed by abraunegg, OneDrive Client for Linux is a free alternative client that supports OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive for Office365 and SharePoint.